Commander Ashtar
Commander of the Ashtar Commmand

Commander Ashtar is the Commander of the Ashtar Command now known as the Solar Star Command.  Alexandriah Stahr is the Voice of Truth for Commander Ashtar, the Commander of the Ashtar Command - Solar Star Command. The Ashtar Command now known as The Solar Star Command are Christed Humans who reside in the Christed Realms and direct the Divine Plan for the Earth from the Christed future. Commander Ashtar and the Ashtar Command are NOT aliens. Commander Ashtar provides protection to the Earth and all of Humanity from the unChristed Aliens who created the MATRIX and by extension control Humanity. 

Commander Ashtar is here in voluntary mission to hold the Christ Vibration on the Earth until such time as the Earth can be restored to its birthright of being a Christ Vibration Planet. Commander Ashtar is directed in his mission by Lord Sananda who is the Christ Teacher for the Earth.  One of the main protections that Commander Ashtar and the Ashtar Command - Solar Star Command provides is protection from unChristed alien interference and the misuse of nuclear energy.

Why you might ask? Because Long ago, another planet within your solar system, next in orbit to the earth and known as Maldak, was destroyed by nuclear weaponry. It was after that event that the Great Central Sun Council called upon the Collective Christ to send forth protectors to protect the Earth from suffering the same fate as the planet Maldak.

Commander Ashtar and the Ashtar Command now known as the Solar Star Command responded to the call from the Great Central Sun Council and has been in this protective mission ever since. Commander Ashtar has and will continue to provide protection from nuclear war on the Earth for as long as it is needed.

Now that 2012 has come and gone, the next stage of Commander Ashtar’s Mission has begun and it is to facilitate the Freedom From the MATRIX by 2045. This mission will bring about Humanities ultimate Freedom from the MATRIX and the unChristed aliens who created and control it. Commander Ashtar and the Ashtar Command have the technology to facilitate the freeing of planets and its populations from MATRIX Control. 

Alexandriah Stahr, as the daughter of Commander Ashtar is known as Commander Star-Esseenia, the Quadrant Commander of the Healing Division within the Ashtar Command now known as the Solar Star Command.  She and her Star Team Masters facilitate this mission of Freeing her clients through Alexandriah’s Monthly Star Team Program. Lord Sananda and Commander Ashtar oversee all of Alexandriah Stahr’s Energy Healing Work through the Star-Essence Temple of Living Light.  

For more information about how to get Free From the MATRIX and all of its MATRIX Programming, schedule your First Time Caller Consultation with Alexandriah Stahr.