History of Alexandriah Stahr’s Healing Work

About Commander Alexandriah Stahr

Alexandriah is a healer of healers and teacher of teachers. Although the mystical experience that awakened her to her true identity and life purpose occurred in 1984, the development of her work has been guided and developed steadily over the years as she works in telepathic communication with her guides.  Alexandriah is the gatekeeper for the anchoring of Star-Esseenia Division Technologies for the Ashtar Command - Solar Star Command. She is a cosmic translator who identifies Planetary Issues and translates them into the collective database of her healing work, the FREEDOM  From the MATRIX Healing – Monthly Star Team Program. As Quadrant Commander of the Star-Esseenia Division, she has all of its knowledge and resources available to her in facilitating her work.  Her work consists of freeing her clients from all forms of MATRIX Programming starting with the Ashtar Command Implant Removal Program to Soul Clearing, Karma Clearing and MATRIX Clearing and FREEDOM From the  MATRIX Healing. Alexandriah’s clients, who are on their own independent spiritual path, receive ongoing Karma Clearing, FREEDOM From the MATRIX Healing - Monthly Star Team Program. Alexandriah assists her clients in achieving their personal spiritual freedom. She supports them and prepares them as they integrate their spiritual awareness and natural spiritual healing abilities into a new conscious spiritual lifestyle in the world.  

Karma Clearing and Alien Implant Removal 

Commander Alexandriah Stahr is the gatekeeper for a variety of Ashtar Command - Solar Star Command Healing and Ascension Technologies. Although her early work focused on activating hands-on healing energies and training healers, her work continually changes and upgrades as Spirit directs.  Since the opening of the 11:11 doorway on January 11, 1992, Alexandriah focused on Karma Clearing and Alien Implant Removal and the ongoing Karma Clearing process for the Planetary Ascension into the Christed Reality of 13.13.13 Solar New Earth Reality. She pioneered the Ashtar Command Alien Implant Removal Technology in 1989 and it is still the most comprehensive Implant Removal Program of its kind. The Ashtar Command Alien Implant Removal Technology continues to be upgraded as Spirit reveals the need and is included within the 2 Week Fast Track which is the 1st Step and foundation for any and all of Alexandriah Stahr’s Healing Work.

In 1996 Alexandriah Stahr published the informational fruits of her healing research on Alien Implants in her book,” Implants and Imprints: A Healer’s View of Ascension Clearing. Today this book is still available from Alexandriah Stahr and is still the most extensive coverage of the subject. Order online or call Alexandriah to order this book.  

FREEDOM From The Matrix 

Alexandriah continued her Alien Implant Removal and Karma Clearing work with continuing upgrades all through the 1990’s.  Then in 1999  the movie The MATRIX was released. It told the story of how we as humans were part of a mass mind control system called The MATRIX.  Although most people thought this was just a science fiction movie, many Lightworkers could feel that there was some truth to its story, but didn't know what to do about it.  When Alexandriah saw the movie, she was “downloaded with the information” that this movie was in fact, literal, and that her work with the Ashtar Command, now known as the Solar Star Command includes the dismantling of this MATRIX System on both the Planetary and All of Reality Levels. In addition, she would work with individuals that were brave enough to do this Karma Clearing – MATRIX Clearing, now called FREEDOM From the MATRIX Healing work with her, even though they could not really speak of it or explain it to others. Alexandriah was also told not to write about this work or even update her website with this new information until late in 2008 when the majority of the Planetary MATRIX Systems had been successfully dismantled. Since 2008 it is now safe to talk about The MATRIX and its continuing unfolding story. If you want more information about the MATRIX Story, check out The MATRIX tab on this website where Alexandriah has several articles explaining the MATRIX Story.  Alexandriah also continues to write about the updates in the MATRIX Story in her monthly newsletter which you can sign up for at the bottom of any website page.

Since 1999 Alexandriah continued to call her work Karma Clearing even though what she was really doing is MATRIX Clearing - Karma Clearing on steroids. With the release of the movie, The MATRIX, Alexandriah was shown that our bodies are actually bio-computers with programs and computer systems that control our experience of life. The dark forces, that created The MATRIX to control this planet, made up the lie of The MATRIX to keep people ignorant of what really controls the re-occurring issues of our lives. Karma, as we understand it, doesn’t really exist. It is actually the Master Lie of the MATRIX that we have to "earn or learn" our way out of here by balancing our karma. We were programmed with that lie to keep us compliant slaves, so that we wouldn’t question the "learning experiences" that we have had to endure instead of looking for the way out of the MATRIX prison. These learning experiences were really designed by the dark forces to feed themselves with the negative energy of our suffering.  So all during this time Alexandriah, at the direction of the Solar Star Command, has been working on the task of dismantling The MATRIX on a Planetary and All of Reality Level and creating a comprehensive healing process to free people individually as well. It is time to make this work more public and dispel the many lies within our belief systems that keep people trapped and unable to change for the better.  This is the true purpose of the shift in 2012, to end the MATRIX Control by Lucifer and his Dark Force Legions. The time has come for the Duality Experience to end and Humanity to be Free From the MATRIX by 2045 so that the 13.13.13 Solar New Earth Reality can fully manifest.

The dismantling of the Planetary MATRIX has all been happening behind the scenes and is in fact what has accelerated all people's experience of new levels of awareness.  Although the Planetary Work is still ongoing, people's personal work has really just begun. The completion of this Planetary Work is what has enabled all types of clearing work to be more effective although the original FREEDOM From the MATRIX Program is only available through the ongoing MATRIX Healing Monthly Star Team Program with Rev. Alexandriah Stahr and her Star Team Masters.

Karma Clearing - MATRIX Clearing, now known as, FREEDOM From the MATRIX Healing is an easy and powerful way to disconnect from, and clear out the old programming from the old MATRIX Reality, just like in the movie, and connect into the New Time Line and Reality beyond 2012, called the 13.13.13 Solar New Earth Reality.

Karma Clearing - Matrix Clearing, now known as, FREEDOM FROM the MATRIX Healing uses both Sacred Geometry and DNA Activation Codes and is a healing and spiritual development technology that speaks directly to and re-educates the Bio-Computer Systems of the Human Energy System. As such, MATRIX Healing is the most powerful and effective Christ Conscious Healing and Spiritual Development Technology available on the planet today.

FREEDOM From the MATRIX Monthly Program 

In 1995, the Ashtar Command shifted her focus again to developing a way for her clients to do their own Karma Clearing - MATRIX Clearing work with her as a guide rather than healer facilitator. The Karma Clearing – MATRIX Clearing Monthly Star Team Program was born. The program works with the Ashtar Command - Solar Star Command Star Team Masters who do the work necessary for the clearing of Karmic Issues and Matrix Programming.  After several years of working in this manner, the Monthly Star Team Program was upgraded to the current FREEDOM From the MATRIX Healing – Monthly Star Team Program to continue to give ongoing Karma Clearing and Matrix Clearing at an affordable price. The MATRIX Healing – Monthly Star Team Program  works 24/7 with Alexandriah’s clients and is upgraded daily as Alexandriah shuts down MATRIXES on the Master and Planetary Level.

Alexandriah is the channel for this all-inclusive and comprehensive FREEDOM From the MATRIX Healing - Monthly Star Team Program with the Solar Star Teams which gives you 24 hour energetic support, guidance, protection, clearing and activation energies according to who you are and what you need to clear your Karmic Limitations and remove MATRIX Layers and fulfill your part in the Divine Plan. This is Alexandriah’s most current work, which allows her to continually update her sessions and her information and pass it on to her clients automatically so that those in the FREEDOM From the MATRIX Healing - Monthly Star Team Program are always on the cutting edge of her Ascension Technology. After you have completed the 2 Week Fast Track, Karma Clearing - MATRIX Clearing Series, you are eligible to join the FREEDOM From the MATRIX Healing - Monthly Star Team Program. For more information about Alexandriah's services, pre-pay for the First Time Caller Consultation and learn how you can get Free From the MATRIX before 2045.